The First Step!

There are far too many people who have signed a year long lease to rent property. That year long lease then becomes another year, then another year, and before you know it, it's been ten years. That is not the best time to say, "I should've, would've, could've." Do not let this be you. I'm here to help!

The years spent paying rent could have been spent building wealth via a mortgage. Don't think you can buy? Many clients at first don't think they can buy. Eligibility usually isn't the factor, fear is. Banks want to lend money out, you need a place to live, put the two together and it's easier than you realize. Try me.


Selling Option

The evidence for real estate is absolutely crystal clear. When people buy property, history shows that they profit over time. As the wants and needs grow for homeowners, they find they are able to make a large profit from selling their home. This profit allows for a large down payment, and good position to bargain, for their next home. 

Long Term Option

Buying property can be an emotional experience, and not everyone wants to sell their home when considering another purchase. If the property is able to cashflow, even the slightest, leasing the property is a great idea long term. This will allow extra money to be put towards the new mortgage.


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